Location, People

Hudson River and a Sunset

Hey y’all! I recently went to go see the New York skyline from the Hudson River and lemme just tell you –  I’ve never seen something so beautiful…m well, with the exception of food. 😉

No but really I was blown away; with the reflection of the colors on the water and the snowy lake (which I learned the hard way was not completely frozen), the sight was an ideal one to snap and savor. I grabbed my sister and my brother’s girlfriend for a quick little shoot against the gorgeous background and I really like the way they came out. I definitely want to do more portraits in pretty places like this.


Which shot is your favorite of the bunch, and do you have any advice on shooting sunsets? Shooting landscapes? Or shooting portraits in general? Let me know in the comments below! Feedback helps me to improve, and I’m open to any. This was one of my first times doing portraits in such a prominent place like this, and I strive to improve through continuous practice and experimentation!

See you soon.




Hey y’all! A painting today.

I normally don’t paint; I’m more of a colored pencil person but I had to for a class so I thought I’d try to keep my mind open and try to make the most of it. I actually really like the way it came out, and it wasn’t too bad! I did it with ink and a paintbrush, and I was able to play around with shadows and lighting which was fun. The picture I referenced was one that I took.

Ink painting, Untitled, December 2017

2017-12-17 21.28.06IMG_0563

Are you a fan of painting? I never was but I think I might get into it now. What’s your favorite technique?




A drawing today! Figured I haven’t shared one in a while. I drew this in the beginning of last summer (2016), so it’s an oldie.

I had set up my sister’s Converse on a folding table in my living room and wouldn’t let her touch them for like 5 days because I needed ’em to stay in the exact same position 😛   20160903_170504_1500257704187

Sneakers are some of my favorite things to draw amongst landscapes and cars. What are yours? Do you enjoy drawing??



NYC – Rubin Museum

Hey y’all! So here’s my first set of pictures from NYC. The Rubin Museum of Art.

The art history it featured as well as the place itself was stunning. It taught mainly of the Tibetan culture and highlighted ancient pieces of art from the area. It was my first actual time shooting with the T6, so I was just experimenting. I overall really like the way the pictures came out:















IMG_0221“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will” -Mahatma Gandhi

What’s your favorite shot of the bunch, and what museums have you been to this summer? Let me know in the comments!
